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Stewardship Ministry

God gives us so much more than we are able to return.  He does not ask anything more from us than to give of what we can:  our love and gifts as we are able.  But if we are honest with ourselves we know that life happens.  We live in a world with complex demands on our time, energy, and attention.  Instead of feeling guilty that God does not get more of us, we can experience growth in our faith and walk with the Lord through “percentage living” — giving God an intentional portion of our day, our week, and our life.

Please join Stewardship of Life Committee at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Stafford, VA in praying for guidance and growth as we as a congregation consider what it means to give joyfully to God.  Let us give all we are able with overflowing generosity and thanks for all of the blessings God continues to pour upon us in so many ways, out of His abundant mercy and love.


1201 Courthouse Rd.
Stafford, Va

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